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When they make me laugh

When I do a consultation with an animal and they make me start laughing, I pretty much know it’s them not me. Why would I make myself laugh? Why make things up? That is expressly what I want to avoid. I just had this experience with a dog (renamed) Freddie, shown below.

He told me that most people are stupid. He said that this was sad, but true.

Then when I asked why he didn’t play with balls and other toys he said, “Dogs are toys, toys are not toys.”

I knew I was on to something.

He also struck me as one of those exceptionally smart dogs – the kind that you know you are in trouble if you have one. He did, of course, make sure to tell me, “You have to understand I am super smart.”

His mom confirmed this.

Classes Coming Up this Week

9/16 – Manifesting for Ourselves and the Earth

9/17 – Finding Out Your Animals Past Lives

9/19 – Medical Intuition and Energy Healing

Note – Tuesdays are now always a low cost, short course with no prerequisite

Sign up on my website

Reconfigured Master Program

I reconfigured my Master Program to be shorter, require fewer case studies, and cost less. This seemed to be what people needed. Have a look and get back to me if you would like to sign up. Note – you will get credit for any classes / case studies you have already done.

Master Program

Life Hacks

Over the years I have compiled a resource list for my animal communication students. it has grown to 25 pages. I realized it would be good to start sharing it to a larger circle. So here is the first of many recommendations I have after 30 years of trying things to help my animals and my clients animals.

I really like this company. Here is a link to their blogs, all of which are very good quality.

Dogs naturally articles

And here is a link to their digestive supplement that I have been using for my dogs. I like all their supplements – Digest

Sign up for an online Beginning Class in Animal Communication

Everyone can communicate intuitively with animals.  Class taught by Marta Williams, author of Learning Their Language. Class starts March 4 and meets again on March 11. You will do a case study with another student by email in the week in between. Session options are 11am or 6 pm pacific. Register on website. https://www.martawilliams.com/classes/


If you have been thinking about trying this, now is the time. Learn Marta’s  unique techniques for how to communicate intuitively with animals. Please pass on to any friends who might be interested .




Happy Holidays

There is still time to take advantage of my holiday specials:

15 $ off on a half hour consult (100 normal, 85 discount)

$500 off my Master Program

Offers good through end of the year.


Here are some of my favorite holiday videos

Done by Andrew Grantham. who is, sadly , if I am not mistaken, deceased.

Such a loss. He was a genious.


The Animals Sing the 12 Days of Christmas


The Animals of YouTube sing Jingle Bells



The Animals of YouTube sing Up On the Rooftop



Wait there’s more



And here are his videos

Spend all day


If you got bitten by the bug, look up, welcome to Canada





Life Hacks

Life does not go in a straight line.

It helps to have help along the way. Here are some things I have found to be helpful in navigating the twists and turns. Tell me what you do.










Aging and health

Eat only organic (grow your own in containers if need be)

Do yoga and slow weight lifting

Face yoga – better than botox!

Intermittent fasting – look it up online, it is really good for you

Develop nitrous oxide in body –


Build immune system  – Medicinal mushrooms. chloroxygen





Modesto milling (in U.S.)  has low carb organic horse feed

Dr Depaolo , a horse vet in Tx . He will work with you by phone. He has a colloidal silver remedy for EPM , listed on his website that is very affordable.

Paddock Paradise – the best way to keep horses and you can do with even just one acre.



emmy dog

Dogs and cats

Rose hip vital (for you and horses too) – joints, pain

Feed Real food, holistic – Dr. Dobias guide



chickens 2


Benefits of feeding fermented food



climate control spraying


Make covers with UV resistant plastic to protect the plants from geoengineering (photo above)

If poss use groundwater, same reason

Mulch/ and cover your beds with cardboard – totally works




update 2023

the vaxx probly was not the best idea lol


The virus

I’m pretty sure that everyone will be exposed to the covid virus because unlike other viruses, it lasts a long time, you can have it without knowing it, and it can recur once you have recovered. How you fare with that will probably depend on your immune system. To have a healthy immune system I believe you need to eat and use only organic produce and products,  avoid medications (ie find holistic alternatives) avoid vaccines, and avoid toxins and emf as much as possible.

See my last post on how to stay healthy, and here is Dr. Mercola’s suggestion for a simple daily practice to ward off the virus

update 2023

well turns out that was useless


It makes sense to wear a mask when going into a crowd. Wearing one all day long on the other hand may be an issue, in terms of oxygen alone.  A plastic face shield might be a better option for all day wear or at least  make sure that whatever mask you wear is loose so you can easily breathe.

It is probably also smart to keep some distance when with others,  but staying confined to your home doesn’t make sense anymore. And you can just forget about a mandatory vaccine, they are famously dangerous for this kind of virus. Also no tracking devices and certificates of health thank you very much.

Listen to Dane Wigginton’s take on this https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news-june-20-2020-254/



The Source

Bats are not the source of the virus, bats are not to blame, and going vegan will do nothing to close down the evil vile bioresearch labs from whence this atrocity sprang.


Behind the Curtain

The greatest threat to our survival is still climate manipulation. We are now so much closer to venus syndrome.  Here is Dane Wiggington’s post on this.





Get Healthy

From everything I have read so far, the best way to deal with the threat of the virus on a personal level is to be super healthy. A healthy immune system can fight it off. Below I am giving you the short version of many of the things  I have found out and then the links if you want to read in depth. Please add what you have found in the comments section, i know a lot of people are doing research on this.


It started in December in Maryland at a bioweapons lab that uses/tortures bats and other animals to make their evil weapons – hence the bat DNA that showed up in the virus. Four guys from that lab, Ft. Detrick, went to China and stayed in a hotel near the Wuhan market. People at the hotel and the market got sick.


bats virus

The virus is engineered and there may be more than one strain –



Bats  are taking the hit , along with anyone with Chinese heritage



Bats are also in danger from excess heat conditions like in Au, and from overgrowth of fungus in their environments.


Well… no one knows if the release from the lab was accidental or on purpose. If it was on purpose, then why?  well what could come of this? Destroy populations and  economies, or hide the economic crash, or  install marshal law? It doesn’t look good. Maybe it is all to cover them putting up deadly 5 G everywhere which kills everything. And so we are back around the circle.

5 G is NO BUENO https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/05/11/5g-apocalypse.aspx

More from Dane Wiggington on the reasons for the virus /possibly to push vaccines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrOXLymc8j8&feature=youtu.be


Strike – We need a general strike around the world , workers, progressive groups and leaders, union members to demand  a complete change in our world. I am posting regularly in my personal facebook page about this, so if you want you can friend me and follow. https://www.facebook.com/MartaWilliamsCA



I am taking a 1/4 tsp of baking soda a day to alkalinize (i read that helps with the virus) and I have some chinese herbs, Clean Air by Plum Flower, that works to clear lungs. Also drinking lemon water.


Here is a great blog by Dr Elliot on how to be stay healthy from flu


and more detail on the virus specifically


Take Vitamin C




Take more vit c – see Dr Elliot above and this https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/03/29/andrew-saul-vitamin-c.aspx

Posture for draining lungs  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157207443918224&set=a.47715263223&type=3&theater

This Dr says he has the cure – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfXVce34A78&fbclid=IwAR2gtAE-s8x7r7kbt2huzEcynV5gwoLiD7s-HrRSZcnF8HWn_URodAKI9ww



I believe that people who are taking medications are more at risk. If possible, find the natural alternatives for any meds you are taking, work with a holistic doctor if you can find one.



AND – eat only organic, take the above recommended vitamins and supplements, don’t eat sugar, and exercise. Here is what Dr Mercola recommends https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2020/03/07/your-first-line-of-defense-against-coronavirus-and-other-pathogens.aspx

Make your own infra red sauna –




There are still spaces and there is still time to sign up to take (or retake) the One Week Intensive I am teaching Nov 8 – 12 in Red Bluff California. If you are interested get in touch by email or call me for more information.

Recent Weekend Intensive in Tucson, AZ

Extinction Rebellion

I am happy to see so many people all over the world realizing that we are in an unprecedented crisis. I wish that the only thing we had to do to turn this around would be to stop using fossil fuels. You would be hearing me screaming that from the mountain tops. But that is not going to do the trick.

The very first thing we must do is stop climate manipulation (aka geoengineering). I have been wondering why it is so hard for people to wake up and see climate manipulation. I am beginning to think that it is because it is so hard to understand. So, I thought for this blog I will explain the three main components to geoengineering. Much of it also goes on in secret so most people are not aware of what is happening.

1 Ocean iron fertilization – This is the practice of dumping industrial waste iron particles in the ocean to enhance algae growth with the intention that the algae would use up more CO2. This has backfired and the oceans are becoming overrun with algae, the oxygen is being used up and the waters are heating. This is leading to the canfield ocean phenomenon, but they are still dumping iron in the ocean.

Read more on ocean iron fertilization

haarp in ocean

2 Massive Ionospheric Microwaving – Through the use of solar radiation particulate spraying (more below) and very powerful microwave blasting, climate engineers can control the weather. They can move the jet stream, determine where rain will fall, chemically create snow, manipulate storms and more.  There are over a hundred microwave blasting centers around the world (some are on ships, so they are mobile). This powerful microwave blasting is destroying the ozone layer. Have you noticed how bright the sun is? Have you noticed the damage to the trees and plants?

Read more about microwaving

Read more about ice nucleation

sheep and chemtrails

3 Solar Radiation Management (SRM) – SRM refers to the spraying of nanoparticulates in the atmosphere. These particulates sequester (glom on to) moisture in the air. The weather manipulators then use the microwave blasting to manipulate (direct) these water particulates wherever they want them. This is why California is now so desiccated that the fire storms here are taking out whole cities. Between the lack of moisture and the effect of metal nanopartiulates, particularly aluminum, we are done for.  Just look up, you can see the SRM trails everywhere all over the world.

Find out more about SRM

if you want to get up to speed on all this listen to Dane Wigginton’s weekly podcasts. Sign up for them. Here is his latest one

To stop the runaway extinction of the planet we do need to stop all use of fossil fuels, but we also need to stop:

  • fracking
  • sonic blasting in the oceans
  • nuclear waste discharges (ie fukushima) and do something to neutralize them.
  • GMO use, big ag and pesticides
  • factory farming
  • hunting and fishing
  • add your favorite….

Who are they, why are they doing this, and what can we do about it? See my last blog

Any questions?


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