Great Questions
Mar 30th, 2011 by
 Here are some questions sent in by readers and my responses:
Q:  I keep coming up with one question in my mind about when we talk to the animals. First of all, I need no convincing that animals are extremely intelligent – I’ve know this for years! I read in another intuitive communication book by Judy Meyer to avoid using negative words such as don’t, not, can’t won’t, etc because those words get misinterpreted in the communication. For instance, if you are trying to help an animal and say, ‘don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you’, what the animal hears is ‘Worry, I’m going to hurt you’, so instead you should work your sentences in positive phrasing such as, ‘It’s okay, you can relax. I’m going to help you’.  So my question is this: what have you found to be true?  Can animals understand the message despite the wording?  I suppose we should try to word things in positive phrasing, and I actually try to do this.  But what I am wondering from reading your book, is do the animals understand when we do happen to say things using don’t, can’t, won’t, etc?  It seems to me they do (they are, after all, extremely intelligent). I was just wondering because this question keeps coming up in my mind…Carol
A:Â Great question! I too attempt to word commands in the positive, but one doesn’t always succeed or remember to do that in the moment. Animals are masters at intuitive communication. therefore they pick up all our intuitive cue, our words, thoughts, emotions and mental images. When you say, ” Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. You are also sending feelings of love and protection and images of patting and helping. so the negatives in that phrase get cancelled out. It’s more important to remember this when you are working on training issues. For example, if you tell a dog, “Don’t jump out of the fence!” Chances are good you are imagining him jumping out of the fence and feeling like he will do just that… So it’s important to go with the positive commands whenever possible and especially when training.
Q:Â I have a question that I’ve never seen addressed…I’ve always relied on speaking to my dog all her life but now she’s lost her hearing. I’m not sure now how our communication has suffered now that I feel I need to be more telepathic in my communication. What are your thoughts? -Jennifer
 A: I believe animals can read our thoughts, feelings and images. So amp up those modes and she should be just fine. You just may need to practice being as good as sending those as you were at talking out loud to her.
Cats Got Rhythm Too
 Cats Who Love DogsÂ
Gaia Update
I changed this a bit from the original post as it was a bit stark, but be forwarned: the state of the earth is not very cheerie.
Wild Horses – I went to Arizona to protest at the Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Committee Meeting. As far as I can tell the committee and the powers that be are either ignoring us completely or having a good laugh. In other words, I don’t think rational rebuttal, protests and even law suits (many of the judges are bought and our supreme court is corrupt)  are doing enough good to save the last remaining horses in the wild or save the 40,000 that are in BLM prisons from being tortured and killed at the slaughterhouse. So what to do? I still think finding a way to hurt them financially is the way to go. I have heard a lot said against boycotting beef, but if we pressure the beef industry maybe they will pressure Salazar to stop this race to exterminate America’s wild horses. Maybe something like this could work in Australia too….Your thoughts?
The Gulf– More baby dolphins are dying and the federal government has forbidden the scientists to discuss it. Second round of dead sea turtles washing ashore in south, and a new huge oil spill is underway there. The Gulf was an engineered disaster (see my earlier posts) that is effectively wiping out the Gulf,  the people and the animals of the Gulf states. Get updates at
Japan – If you get your news on the net, you should know by now that the Fukushima reactors are in melt down, they are spewing high levels of radioactivity including plutonium (half life 24,000 years and deadly to inhale or ingest) all over the US and Europe, and the levels are rising. Their plan now it to bury it the way Russia did at Chernobyl but that is expected to take months. This is huge magnitudes of order more lethal that Chernobyl which killed 1 million outright and at least a million since. And it is being covered up, as usual. Here is a good news source:Â
This eyewitness report from a Chernobyl Cleaner is eye opening:Â
If we lived in a rational world where the wealthy and the fortune 500 actually wanted the world to survive and wanted us and the earth to be happy and healthy, then all the reactors would be shut down now, all over the world, as Germany is doing. And we would immediately go to solar and renewable energy (wind on a big scale I have questions with). In that world plans like this one by Paul Stamets to detoxify the land would be implemented asap.
But that is not our world. Instead the US has nothing left to sell but nuclear reactors and weaponry (all our industry has been sent overseas), and Obama goes all over the world hawking same. The extremely wealthy and the fortune 500 pay no taxes in most of the world, and in the US, the people are bankrupt,  and the land is in ruins. Now would be a good time for a revolution and happily, that seems to be just what is happening in Wisconsin with the recalls now going full steam. We won’t have secure change unless we rein in the corporations, get paper ballots and campaign finance reform, and get rid of the corrupt politicians, their appointees and the officials they have bought off.
With regard to the radiation, in my last post I gave information on how to protect yourself, and I will keep giving you information as I come across it. The situation, however, is dire, I’m not sure that anything but magic can really save us at this point.
To that end here is Dr. Masura Emoto’s call to action for Japan. This started on March 31, but you can continue to do this every day on your own as often as you want.
The following is a meditation I found on the net while surfing, seems like a good one….
This is a method from spiritual guides called the Hathors through Tom Kenyon. This method will assist you to both protect and heal yourself from exposure, not only to radioactivity, but also to neurotoxins and to mutating forms of bacteria and viruses. In this method you connect to your Celestial Soul, holding the intent and expectation that it will impart to you an energetic that protects and/or heals you. You send this intent to your Celestial Soul with the emotional vibration of appreciation or gratitude…
Once you send this intent conjoined with appreciation or gratitude to your BA (celestial soul?), you shift your awareness into your heart chakra, receiving the energetic of healing or protection into the heart chakra. You might experience this energetic as a form of light, or as geometric patterns, or you may feel the sensation of a descent of energy. You may also experience this energetic simply as a thought/feeling.
Once the energetic is received in the heart chakra, it is ready to send.
For this phase you will need some pure water, since water holds this type of information extremely well. Holding a container of water in your hands, through intent, you send this energy that is in the heart chakra down the arms into the hands and through the chakras that are in the center of each palm. The energetic enters the water through this pathway.
We suggest you amplify this energetic by repeating the procedure three times, for a total of three times—two more times in addition to the first. You then drink the water. The water permeates the water element of your body, and the healing and protective qualities eventually enter every cell.
Through this action you are qualifying light, causing it to descend through the central pathway of your body into your heart and sending it into the water element. The consciousness of the water receives this energetic, and when you drink it, the body receives it.
If you find yourself in a situation where you have been exposed to radioactivity you would engage this procedure as we have described it, qualifying the energy that descends from the BA to protect and heal you from any possibility of radiation poisoning. If you have other means to protect yourself, you should obviously engage these as well, but even if you are left with nothing but the tools of your own consciousness, you can protect and heal yourself.
If you have been exposed to neurotoxins you would do the same. If you are in the midst of an epidemic that involves bacterial or viral infections, we advise you to do the same…
animal communication, BP Haliburton Obama Gulf Oil Catastrophe, horses, mustangs, the earth/gaia, your questions
Intuitive communication. This is mind-to-mind, being deaf would not stop a dog getting messages if the person could visualise clearly.
The first article was very interesting, I’ve wondered that too.
But in general your newsletter was a pretty depressing start to the day. I’m tempted to go back to bed … and STAY there. While I’m sure what you wrote is true, it’s depressing, I stay away from news for just that reason. Was disappointed to get blindsided with it here when I was hoping for something pleasant. : (
Hi LInda. If you have been reading my blog you know I have been doing a Gulf update for a while and just changed it to a Gaia update, with updates on the mustangs and Japan …. These updates come at the end of the blog usually, so you could just read to that point in future and then stop. I do these updates because the truth is just not getting out there. That is probably why it is so depressing… you just are not hearing this in the regular news. I guess one could make the argument that it’s better just not to know, but that isn’t an option for me.I always try to put in some fun and funny things in the blog to offset what is happening, but the truth is we are in deep shite now.I did rework the blog so it is not quite so stark…. For myself, I’ve decided to enjoy what I can in life at this point, definitely have fun and laugh but also do whatever I can to change this. Collectively we the people of earth need to work on finding a way out of this if there is one.
Marta, I so appreciate the info you are sending us, especially the many different energetic ways to deal with the insane things that are presently happening. I believe that the info is just that & that we won’t “figure’ A WAY OUT. Our intellectual minds are part of what has gotten us here. They(our intellectual minds) will help when we really learn how to use the part of them connected to the heart (there are direct pathways between the 2 – see Buhner, Stephen Harrod, “The Secret Teachings of Plants, the Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature”). I also think we are coming into the time of consciousness & that the catastrophes are pushing us to that change.
May our hearts open to the perfection of it all. Be well, Beth