Energy Healing …..What’s the best method?
Jan 22nd, 2013 by
I don’t think there is a best method, there are so many useful techniques it would be hard to choose the best. I had good results from Access Energy Healing, which helped me stopped smoking years ago. But the founder and main proponent of the technique are not so appealing. Reiki is good and easy to learn and its everywhere, but don’t get sucked into paying thousands to take the master class; its available at a reasonable price now. Another technique I like is the Emotion Code by chiropractor Bradley Nelson. I would love to hear which ones you have tried and liked — why you like them and what your results were. So please write in to the blog and share your thoughts and knowledge.
Upcoming Classes
In February I am teaching a teleclass on Manifesting for Ourselves and the Earth, and a class on Medical Intuition and Energy Healing. No prereq for the manifesting class, for the medical intuition you will need either a beginning class (with anyone or me) or a half hour tutoring session with me. Upcoming practice groups are Feb 5 and March 5, beginning tutor session or class required. In May I will be doing a one week intensive at my ranch. To learn more and register for these courses contact me and visit my website.
Here are some great videos you may not have seen yet.
Champi the Herding Rabbit
They made a poor choice of music I’s say, but the part where the rabbit tries to bite the sheeps’ noses… priceless!
In this youtube it is clear this dog understands this one time command and is doing his best to comply. This is not something you can teach….He just understood immediately what was being asked of him.
Doma India – Oscar Scarpati
I think maybe in this lifetime I am going to have to go to Argentina and see this…This is a long video but shows Oscar and his son Cristobal working with untamed horses using South American Indian taming methods. Really fascinating…
What it says at the end in Spanish is:
Thank you for being on the side of the horse.
Let’s keep doing good.
Understand the Animals
Respect Nature
A sane world is possible
Don’t Buy PetFood Products from China
Waggin Tails chicken strips and about 20 other treats made in China are literally killing pets every day and the FDA only just banned two of them; the rest are still in stores. Now labeling is hiding where things are made so check the bar codes.
If the first 3 digits of the barcode are 690 691 or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA.
List of common barcodes:
690-692 …then it is MADE IN CHINA
00 – 09 … USA & CANADA
30 – 37 ….FRANCE
40 – 44 ….GERMANY
471 ………TAIWAN
49 ………. JAPAN
50 … …….UK
Gaia Update
Gulf of Mexico
This video is a testament to the FACT that you will not find the truth about what is going on unless you search on the internet…and I do mean search. So this video is long and homegrown, but it does give you the latest on the Gulf. Need it be said the situation is not good, and we hear nothing about this, nothing. So the government is still spraying corexit . This is to cover up the fact that oil is gushing out of the Macondo Well area. they want all the oil to sink. The oil is gushing because of BPs frannkencrobes, frankenstein microbes, that are destabilizing the ocean floor. Therefore everything in the Gulf, in the water, is literally getting coated with corexit and oil. Corexit is a planet killer. Prince William Sound is still sterile 12 years or so later. Good book to read, Vampire of Macondo by Diana Dupree
What it means for the wildlife in the Gulf, they are toast. Dolphins and shrimp now being born with no eyes. How any living thing is still moving out there is beyond me. And does it need to be said, the Gulf is not a bathtub, not a closed system. Lets see: Cuba, those dolphins we all love in the Bahamas…..
Do you recall the water cycle lecture from your beginning biology classes. what goes into the water , comes up , goes around, gets in the rain, and goes all over. We are all pretty much toast too if we can’t find some way to …whats the word… address??? this. Its happening relatively slowly so people arent paying attention. Early on in the Gulf spill I tried to get info out to the people there about how to do bioremediation of oil spills , even large scale. It can be done with mushrooms and microbes. I have a friend who does it in South America where the oil companies are fffing up the Amazon jungle. BUT… Corexit is the game changer and the planet killer. If it was just oil, well it would be bad but doable, again even over thousands of miles etc. but with the Corexit…its game over for normal techniques. Plus I have no clue how one would stop the destabilized condition of the ocean floor in the Gulf. We will have to pull some completely different rabbit out of the hat. Like energy work on a planetary level, and again I say… friendly aliens we need you.
The other current game end planet changer is Fukushima and really nothing has changed for the better. I have been seeing stories of deformed vegetables now showing up in California and fish so irradiated in Fukushima it is a wonder they can move. Again you will not hear about this unless you go looking for it . The two sites I check are and
And What About the Wild Horses?
One bright note in the world for me personally is that, through manifesting, I found a group working to save US wild horses and burros that is really making a difference. They are winning against the government in court and stand a good chance of creating a legal requirement for humane handling of these animals by the government and a legal requirement that the public be allowed in to all the secret holding sites where these horses are taken when they are ripped off the range. Further this group is working ultimately to require a sane management policy in the wild and minimize horses taken off the range to only those that are adoptable. They are also involved in an ongoing investigation exposing how the government illegally sold these wild animals to slaughter. I am now working with this group, a fairly new nonprofit, started by a woman who has been working for years on this issue and documenting the atrocities. This was one of the few groups I found that is addressing the plight of the horses and burros in the wild. There are many mustang advocate groups that raise money to pay for horses they have in sanctuaries, and lots of groups promoting public comments and petitions. While public protest is necessary, it has not done the trick. There are also a number of horse advocate groups working to end slaughter. That is key as well and I am supporting those groups too, but ending slaughter doesn’t get at the core of the problem for the wild horses and burros. The government abuse of these animals has to stop and there has to be a management practice that manages them primarily in the wild not rips them off the range. If you would like to support this group they really need donations. They are at present all volunteer and aren’t slick in any way.. so not making the big bucks like many other groups that have paid staff. The best help would be a small ongoing monthly donation. Go to their website and click on the donate button in the top menu to find the monthly option. Also if anyone would like to volunteer along with me for this group, just get in touch.
The fact that after over a year of searching I finally found this group, to me is proof that manifesting DOES really work. I’m going to start on the Gulf now, mass energy work and the friendly aliens, I guess.. Unless someone has some better ideas. LOL
If you like this blog please pass it on.
action for animals, animal communication, animal rescue, book/product recommend, BP Haliburton Obama Gulf Oil Catastrophe, horses, japan, mustangs, natural horse care, natural horse training, the earth/gaia, Uncategorized
Hi, Marta!
I had no idea Corexit is still being sprayed in the Gulf! The media control in this country is killing the planet, along with the Corexit! Any ideas about what average folk can do? Write letters to our local newspapers, our representatives (which is actually very easy to do now with the Internet)? I’m at a loss as to how to get this information out there. Time’s running out.
Love the herding rabbit!
Dear Marta,
I am very interested in your medical intuition class. I will have to talk with you on that. My recent experiences have included an Akashic Record Clearing with Anastasia Maria from, which was very powerful. The most amazing physical benefit I had was being able for the first time in my life to do full body breathing, continuing today !! Then I found Dave Markowitz, who is a medical intuitive who helps people heal by understanding the emotional issues underneath physical problems and release them. He has a book out called ‘Healing with Source’ and is working on a new book. Now I found Joshua Bloom who basically teaches people to be present and do their own releasing on whatever issue and becoming the person they are meant to be. This is by far the best method I have found so far and possibilities are truly endless !! His method is called ‘Quantum Energy Transformation’.
Hi Rebacca … goo question. I dont see any way within the confines of known technology to address this…or fukushima for that matter. writing letters hummmmmmm, people seem to go stunned when you talk about this. Maybe they are all brainwashed from tv or something. I dont know. I really dont have an answer. Hutchison was doing some things with Tesla technology that was clearing the pollution in some bays down there… so magic that worked. But to do it to the whole ocean and how to stop the Frankencrobes that are weakening the ocean floor … NO IDEA. sorry thats why I said, world healing session , ie everyone in the world… or friendly aliens or…? btw to read about the frankencrobes you can go back to my older blogs.
kinesiology 🙂
Hi Marta
Quite a few years ago I was suffering from extreme neck and back pain and I was carrying a lot of emotional baggage as well. After reading Brandon Bays book ‘The Journey’ I was intrigued and made an appointment with one of her ‘certified’ therapists in Australia. It was an intense two or three hour session during which I was asked to go deeper and deeper into all the emotions that had apparently ‘nestled’ in my body. That same day my pain disappeared completely and I felt totally at peace with everything and everybody around me. It was absolute bliss and the incredible joy stayed with me for about a week, when it unfortunately started to fade.
But what remained was the knowledge that often physical pain is caused by emotions and working on those can indeed lessen or remove the pain.
Hi Marta,
I took Reiki all 3 levels. ( to help animals in 2001). Reiki IS easy.I was able to do part exchange for the classes with my art.
I do long distance Reiki forpeople, animals, + on my cats. I totally believe
that healing underlying emotions + past trauma can relieve phys. symptoms. The QET sounds great, as does the Journey author one: Wow, in one day get it all out?!!!!!
Katy Zincavage, Reiki Master Teacher helped me. Her healing work incorporates
all of the above plus massage and intuitive dialogue. She offers attunements for seniors at the Sr. Cntr and her office in Petaluma. makes Reiki accessible to all.Her teaching method is so down to earth. She has done Reiki for animals as a service for free at times. She is a good soul! Her # is 707-364-0268. Her email is I highly recommend Katy. She is a gifted healer for ‘”anything that ails you.”
Hi Marta –
I know lots of people who use or teach reiki as a healing mode. Related to reiki is Quantum Touch, which incorporates breathing in the “hands on” healing. I have had some really good results with it being done on me.
I also use the EFT or “tapping” method – it’s a quick and easy way to deal with pain, emotional upset, etc. and something I can do on the spot by myself.
I have also used the Healing Codes some, although it’s more complicated, to me, and therefore I don’t do it much. It uses some of the same meridian spots that EFT uses, just in a different way.
One think I like about the EFT and Healing Codes is that they address the emotional issues behind any pain or illness in the body. Therefore, the healing works and allows you to keep going deeper.
I really like Margrit Coates’ healing work. Her books for both healing “pets” and horses are very practical and step by step. I also had the good fortune to attend a workshop with her last year in TX which was fantastic! The horses really respond to the energy. Great blog!! And it is easy to share and teach others how to do…
Hi Marta
Thank you so much for your contribution. I also was in the dark on the Gulf still leaking. On the horses and burros I want to help.
I can do a monthly contribution, and will spread the word.
Also I took your Medical Intuitive course years ago and it has been amazing in my work with animals. For anyone who has not taken it, know that when the course is over you will have the ability. And then it’s just practice and trust. You are awesome. Thanks marta