Cleaning the Earth
Jun 29th, 2016 by Marta
Cleaning The Earth
My dowsing teacher, Raymon Grace, is doing an experiment in cleaning the earth. You can participate by using dowsing, prayer, or intention. It is set up for people to do it at 8 pm their time any night , or every night, and it is an ongoing experiment. Please consider participating and please tell others. Here is the link to the experiment.
Teaching in Vermont – July 9 – 12
I will teaching be in southern Vermont, an area that is also near NY, CT and MA. The Beginning class is required for any other class, but if you have had a Beginning class elsewhere that is sufficient. We could also do a private session to satisfy the prerequisite if you can’t make Saturday but want to attend another day. There are still spaces open in the classes . The classes are designed for the complete beginner, and can be taken in series. Hope to see you in Vermont. Link to sign up for classes. Please pass this on to groups or individuals whom you think might be interested. cheers!
A Student’s Question
A student sent in this question, which I will answer here, because I am sure others have had a similar question
Recently I seem to be rather inaccurate (which is a bit depressing) but this also makes me think about the nature of animal communication. For example, I tried to communicate with a friend’s dog and asked what he is doing as first thing when entering the flat. I got: running to the back of the flat and jumping on the bed for fun and teasing. She said: no, he always runs to the cage with our pet mice, and she doesn’t think that he is doing something like going on the bed at all (also not at her mom’s).
So, my question is: when there is information that is very likely wrong…where does that come from? Because I saw the picture of the dog jumping on the bed and I was wondering if my mind is so fast and creative to send that to me (also I didn’t believe what I was seeing and repeated my question, but the info kept coming back). So I guess what I am really asking is: what are sources for “false” information and how big do you think is the role of our own minds to make such info up?
My response:
It is always tricky to figure out why one is inaccurate. I always say to treat it as a mystery. If it starts happening a lot it could be that you have some block to going with your intuition and are letting you rationale brain figure out an answer. In this case i am wondering if maybe that is what the dog would like to do rather than what it actually does. Since the student kept getting the info and it was a strong signal it makes me wonder. Animals don’t always provide answers the way we expect. for example, if you ask an animal to describe her house, what can happen is the animal will describe in detail and undeniably a house that she lived in in the past and one that she liked a lot better than her current one…. hint, hint.
so my final answer is, I would need to study all the “wrong” info the student is getting and evaluate it in context. it is always about the context. (so said student please get back to me and lets have that conversation…LOL)
If you have a question you would like me to answer in the blog just send it in.
Readings for People
I also do readings for people if you are interested. One uses the same set of skills that you use for animals . Get some insight into what is going on in your life … it will help you move forward faster.
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action for animals, animal communication, book/product recommend, classes, Dowsing, energy healing, manifesting, Practice, tips on animal communication
Hey, Marta! I love that your studying with Raymon Grace! I’m quite familiar with him and his work through my long-time membership in the ASD (if you’ve never attended one of their conventions, I highly recommend it). He’s so well known and respected in the world of dowsing, you’re fortunate to be studying with him. Must be awesome.
Those conventions sound great, I will have to look into them. I have been a long time student of animal communication, mostly unofficially, but still I enjoy it. I have come across Terry Kaye and her book Dog Only Knows, it’s wonderful and I just have to recommend it. dogonlyknows,com is her site for it. Sometimes people just get it and it’s so very amazing when they do!